Anton Vasetenkov

Hi, I'm Anton

I make cool things with code.

This website is a repository of projects that I've created, with the topics ranging from healthcare and life sciences to linguistics and typography. I use it to share my experiments, tools, and ideas and to have fun with the new and old tech. Have fun browsin'.

Projects and blogs 1189
Health IT 89
FHIR resources and type framework 3
FHIR resource models - Introduction to FHIR resource models + demo of FHIR resource model browser.
FHIR resource graphs - Diving into FHIR resource graphs + demo of FHIR graph viewer.
FHIR Type Tree - Visualizing the hierarchy of FHIR data types and resources.
FHIR validation 2
FHIR Validator - What goes into checking if your FHIR resource conforms to the specification + demo of the FHIR Validator.
FHIR Validation Client - Execute the $validate operation against a FHIR endpoint.
Blood Sugar Tracker - A patient-facing SMART on FHIR that helps you monitor your blood sugar levels over time.
SMART on FHIR Testing Tool - Test SMART on FHIR app flows online.
Mastering SMART on FHIR scopes - What are SMART on FHIR scopes and how do they work?
FHIR Shorthand 3
FSH Compiler - Compile FHIR Shorthand code into FHIR JSON.
FSH Editor - Author and debug FSH documents online.
Awesome FSH - A curated list of awesome resources on the FHIR Shorthand language.
FHIRPath 4
FHIRPath Testing Tool - Evaluate FHIRPath expressions against FHIR resources.
Awesome FHIRPath - A curated list of awesome resources on FHIRPath.
FHIRPath Client - Submit FHIRPath to FHIR servers for evaluation.
FHIRPath Editor - An online editor for FHIRPath expressions.
FHIR Mapping Language 3
FHIR Mapping Language Compiler - Convert FHIR Mapping Language into StructureMap resources.
FHIR Mapping Language Testing Tool - Author and debug FHIR Mapping Language files.
Awesome FHIR Mapping Language - A curated list of awesome resources on the FHIR Mapping Language.
HFQL Playground - Experiment with HFQL queries online.
HFQL Client - Query FHIR servers using HFQL online.
FHIR Converter - A converter for FHIR resources between different formats.
FHIR Viewer - Connect to and browse FHIR servers.
FHIR Crossword - Test your knowledge of FHIR resources by solving a crossword puzzle.
FHIR Quiz - Test your knowledge of the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard.
SPARQL on FHIR - Query FHIR data using SPARQL.
FHIR Structure Definition Snapshot Generator - Generate snapshots for FHIR StructureDefinitions.
FHIR Export Tool - Bulk-export FHIR resources from FHIR servers.
FHIR Diff Tool (FHIR Diff Checker) - Compare two FHIR resources online.
FHIR GraphQL Client - Query FHIR stores using GraphQL.
FHIR Message Sender - Submit messages to FHIR servers.
List of national FHIR implementation guides - Implementation guides used by countries or specific regions.
What is FHIR and why is it important? - An overview of FHIR and its impact on patient care.
Awesome FHIR blogs - A curated list of awesome FHIR blogs.
FHIR icons - My set of vector icons for FHIR data elements.
Magic FHIR servers - Instant FHIR servers for testing and exploration, prepopulated with the FSH instances that are inlined in the server URLs.
CQL to ELM in JS - A pure JavaScript, client side only CQL to ELM converter.
CQL-to-ELM Converter - Convert CQL to ELM online.
CQL Testing Tool - Test CQL against FHIR resources.
CQL Editor - Edit CQL files online.
Awesome CQL - Awesome links, tutorials, and resources on the Clinical Quality Language.
dQMs 1
FHIR Measure Evaluator - Evaluate FHIR Measure resources online.
HL7v2 12
HL7v2 Parser - An online parser for HL7v2 messages.
HL7v2 Editor - An online editor for HL7v2 messages.
Awesome HL7v2 - A curated list of awesome resources on HL7 version 2.
HL7v2-to-FHIR Converter - Convert HL7 messages to FHIR online.
Parsing HL7v2 messages in JavaScript - Libraries for parsing HL7v2 messages in JavaScript.
HL7v2 Spec Viewer - A browser for the HL7v2 specification.
HL7v2 Schema Codegen - Generate HL7v2 schemas from the HL7 abstract message syntax.
Online resources for browsing the HL7v2 specification - Useful links to help you browse the HL7v2 specification.
Converting HL7v2 to FHIR - Translating HL7v2 messages to FHIR.
Where to find the standard HL7v2 message schemas - The list of sources of the structured and machine-readable HL7v2 specifications.
HL7 abstract message syntax 2
HL7v2 Validator - Validate HL7v2 messages against the HL7 abstract message syntax.
HL7 Abstract Message Syntax Parse Tree Viewer - View the parse tree of the HL7 abstract message syntax.
HL7v3 4
HL7 RIM Browser - Explore the HL7 Reference Information Model.
HL7 CDA Schema Explorer - Explore the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture schema.
HL7 CDA Validator - Validate CDA documents online.
Awesome CDA - A curated list of awesome resources on the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA).
Clinical terminologies 16
SNOMED CT RF2 to OWL - Convert SNOMED CT RF2 to OWL online.
SNOMED CT Browser - Browse the SNOMED CT ontology.
SNOMED CT Logical Model Browser - Explore the content model behind SNOMED CT.
Learning ECL with examples - An introduction to SNOMED CT's Expression Constraint Language (ECL) with examples.
Awesome SNOMED CT - A curated list of awesome resources on SNOMED CT.
ECL Editor - Write and execute ECL queries.
UCUM Converter - Convert measurements between different UCUM units.
UCUM Validator - Validate UCUM units.
List of FHIR terminology servers - The list of FHIR-compliant servers for working with code systems, value sets, and concept maps.
FHIR Terminology Service Client - Query FHIR terminology services online.
Awesome LOINC - A curated list of awesome resources on LOINC.
Awesome RxNorm - A curated list of awesome resources on RxNorm.
A network of drugs: The New Zealand Medicines Terminology - An overview of New Zealand's drug vocabulary.
WHO-FIC Content Model explained - How are WHO-FIC entities modeled?
Awesome ICD - A curated list of awesome resources on ICD.
Gender codes and representation in different clinical models - How is gender represented in different clinical models?
ECG data formats 2
parsescp in the browser - Compiling parsescp to WASM + demo of an in-browser SCP-ECG parser.
aECG Viewer - View the contents of aECG files.
Whistle 2
Whistle Testing Tool - Test Whistle data transformation logic online.
Whistle Transpiler - Transpile Whistle code to Protocol Buffers.
Patient identifiers 2
National patient identifiers by country - The list of national patient identification systems used in different countries.
NHI Number Validator - Validate NHI numbers used in New Zealand.
X12 2
X12 Parser - Inspect X12 message content online.
X12 Editor - An online editor for X12 messages.
Health IT memes - A collection of health IT memes.
CDS Hooks Testing Tool - Test CDS Hooks online.
ADL Editor - An online editor for openEHR Archetype Definition Language (ADL) files.
SDTM Explorer - Browse the SDTM model.
OMOP CDM Browser - Browse the OMOP Common Data Model.
PCORnet CDM Browser - Browse the PCORnet Common Data Model.
Government health agencies on GitHub - A list of government health agencies and organizations on GitHub.
Health IT Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for health IT geeks.
Life sciences 72
Bioinformatics 30
Sequence Logo Generator - Create sequence logos from FASTA alignments.
WebLogo in the browser - Bringing WebLogo to the browser + demo of a pure client side sequence logo maker.
BLAST WASM - Compiling the BLAST sequence search/alignment tool to WASM.
DESeq2 in the browser - Running DESeq2 in the browser.
Genome Browser - Explore the human genome.
Sequence Alignment Viewer - Open FASTA files in the browser.
Phylogenetic Tree Editor - An online visual editor for phylogenetic trees (WIP).
Phylogenetic Tree Builder - Reconstruct phylogenetic trees from protein or DNA/RNA sequence alignments.
Plasmid Map Generator - A tool to generate plasmid maps from GenBank files.
WikiPathways: A Wikipedia for biological pathways - An overview of the collaboratively edited structured pathway encyclopedia.
The RDF model of the Gene Ontology, demystified - An outline of the structure of the Gene Ontology RDF graph and ways to query it.
The ambitious challenge of finishing the human genome - Generating a complete human genome sequence, chromosome by chromosome.
Scalable genomic alignment with Progressive Cactus - How progressive alignment makes it possible to efficiently align hundreds to thousands of large genomes.
AstraZeneca's knowledge graph: Drug discovery is a lot about connections - The biomedical knowledge graph built by AstraZeneca helps the company find new drugs and drug targets.
GenBank to FASTA - Convert GenBank flat files to FASTA format.
ABI to FASTA - Convert AB1 files (Applied Biosystems/ABI trace files) to FASTA format.
Awesome bioinformatics - A curated list of awesome resources on bioinformatics.
NCBI Taxonomy Browser - A simple tool for viewing the NCBI taxonomy tree.
What is FASTA and how is it used? - Learn about the FASTA format and its applications.
FASTA Editor - A FASTA editor for creating and editing FASTA files.
FASTA Parse Tree Viewer - Visualize the parse tree of FASTA files.
FASTQ to FASTA Converter - Convert FASTQ files to FASTA format.
FASTQ Editor - A FASTQ editor for creating and editing FASTQ files.
Newick 2
Newick Editor - An online editor for phylogenetic trees in the Newick format.
Newick Parse Tree Viewer - View the parse trees of Newick strings.
PDB Editor - Edit PDB files online.
PDB to FASTA - Extract protein/nucleotide sequences from PDB files.
Bioinformatics Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for bioinformatics terms.
Bioinformatics pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for bioinformatics terms.
Big Sequence Logos - A collection of large-format sequence logos.
Chemistry 28
Cheminformatics 3
RDKit WASM - Running RDKit in the browser with WebAssembly.
Awesome cheminformatics - A curated list of awesome cheminformatics resources.
Cheminformatics Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for cheminformatics terms.
Organic chemistry 2
Awesome organic chemistry - A curated list of awesome resources on organic chemistry.
Organic chemistry pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for organic chemistry terms.
IUPAC Multiplicative Prefix Generator - Generate IUPAC multiplicative prefixes for naming chemical compounds.
IUPAC to Structure - Convert IUPAC names to 2D structures.
Canonical SMILES Generator - Convert a SMILES string to its canonical (kekulized) form.
SMILES Parse Tree Viewer - Visualize the parse tree of a SMILES string.
SMILES to Structure - Convert SMILES (simplified molecular-input line-entry system) to a structure online.
SMILES to Structure API - A web service for converting SMILES (simplified molecular-input line-entry system) to MOL.
Awesome SMILES - A curated list of awesome resources on SMILES (simplified molecular-input line-entry system).
SMILES to IUPAC - Convert SMILES to IUPAC name online.
IUPAC to SMILES - Convert IUPAC names to SMILES strings.
SMILES to InChI - Convert SMILES to InChI string online.
InChIKey to SMILES - An online tool for converting (resolving) InChIKeys to SMILES strings.
Structural Formula Viewer - View structural formulas of chemical compounds.
Working with ChemDraw JS - ChemDraw JS makes it possible to create, view, and edit chemical structures in the browser.
Awesome ChemDraw - A curated list of awesome ChemDraw resources, tutorials, and more.
3D Mol Viewer - View molecular models in 3D.
Mol Editor - An online editor for Mol files.
Molecule of the Day - Discover a new molecule every day.
Chemical kerning - Improving the appearance of chemical structures by carefully adjusting the spacing between atoms and bonds.
Periodic Table - View the periodic table of the elements.
Supramolecular chemistry 1
Supramolecular chemistry pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for terms in supramolecular chemistry.
Chemical elements pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for chemical elements.
Big Chemical Structures - A collection of elaborate, large-format chemical structure depictions. Discover the fine details of chemical structures in their own right.
Big Chemical Elements - A systematic, visual guide to the chemical elements.
Biochemistry 6
Amino Acids Quiz - Test your knowledge of amino acids.
Monosaccharides Quiz - Test your knowledge of monosaccharides and their structures.
Fatty Acids Quiz - Test your knowledge of fatty acids.
Awesome biochemistry - A curated list of awesome resources on biochemistry.
Biochemistry Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for biochemistry terms.
Biochemistry pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for biochemistry terms.
Molecular and cell biology 3
Awesome molecular and cell biology - A curated list of awesome resources on molecular and cell biology.
Molecular and Cell Biology Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for molecular and cell biology terms.
Molecular and cell biology pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for molecular and cell biology terms.
Histology 1
Histology pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for histology terms.
Microbiology 2
Microbiology pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for microbiology terms.
Cyanobacteria pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for cyanobacterial taxa.
Protistology 1
Protistology pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for protistology terms.
Plant biology 1
Plants pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for the names of plant taxa.
Linguistics 721
Phonetics 29
IPA to Speech (IPA Reader) - An online tool for converting International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) phonetic transcriptions into speech audio using speech synthesis technology. Type /həˈloʊ/ and listen to the sound of IPA.
IPA Quiz - Test your knowledge of the symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Text to IPA - Training a ML model that converts English text to phonetics + demo.
Phonetic Analyzer - A web-based phonetic analyzer built on top of Praat.
IPA Keyboard - A physical (hardware) keyboard for typing International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols.
IPA Keyboard (Alt.) - Write phonetic transcriptions by picking the symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) chart.
IPA Chart - An online IPA chart.
IPA Chart with Audio - An interactive/clickable International Phonetic Alphabet chart with audio pronunciations.
Praat Script Editor - An online editor for Praat scripts.
IPA in SSML - Using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to customize pronunciation in SSML.
X-SAMPA to IPA - Convert X-SAMPA to IPA online.
IPA fonts - Compare and test the fonts used to display/typeset IPA symbols.
TIPA to Unicode - Convert TIPA to Unicode online.
Awesome phonetics - A curated list of awesome resources on phonetics.
Awesome IPA - Awesome links and resources on the International Phonetic Alphabet.
IPA Wallpaper Generator - Create high-quality wallpapers with IPA transcriptions.
ARPAbet to IPA - Convert ARPAbet phonetic notation to International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
List of phonetic symbols - An annotated list of phonetic symbols.
IPA Standard Model - The Standard Model of particle physics with phonetic transcriptions.
IPA Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements with IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcriptions.
Phonetics Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for phonetics terms.
Phonetics and phonology pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for phonetics and phonology terms.
Names pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for common personal names.
Public figures pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of public figures.
Actors pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of actors and actresses.
IPA of the Day - Discover a new IPA transcription every day.
Big Phonetic Symbols - Explore the fine details of the characters used to communicate the sounds of human speech.
Big Phonetic Transcriptions - A collection of phonetic transcriptions showcasing the beauty of phonetic notation.
IPA Map of the World - View place name pronunciations on a map.
Morphemics 3
Morpheme Marker - A tool for typesetting morpheme marks.
MML Inspector - Inspect and debug Morpheme Markup Language (MML) strings.
Awesome morphemics - Awesome links and resources on morphemics.
English 5
English Pronunciation Dictionary API (IPA Dictionary API) - Access IPA pronunciation data programmatically via an API.
Awesome ESL (English as a second language) - A curated list of awesome ESL (English as a second language) resources.
English Pronunciation Dictionary (IPA Dictionary) - A pronunciation dictionary of the English language with IPA transcriptions.
English Alphabet - The English alphabet chart.
IPA for English - View the IPA chart for the English language.
Māori 19
Countries in Māori - The list of the Māori names of countries and territories.
Māori Keyboard - An on-screen/virtual Māori keyboard for typing Māori text.
Names of months in Māori - The list of the names of months in Māori.
Awesome Māori - A curated list of awesome resources on te reo Māori.
Māori-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Māori.
Māori Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle (pangakupu) with te reo Māori words.
Māori Pronunciation Dictionary - A pronunciation dictionary of te reo Māori with IPA transcriptions.
Māori–English Dictionary - A bilingual dictionary for learning and translating Māori to English.
Māori Word of the Day - Discover a new Māori word every day.
Māori Alphabet - The Māori alphabet chart.
Māori-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Māori language.
Māori-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Māori language.
Oceans and seas in Māori - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Māori language.
Cardinal directions in Māori - View the cardinal directions in the Māori language.
Numbers 1–10 in Māori - The numbers 1–10 in the Māori language.
Platonic solids in Māori - View the Platonic solids in the Māori language.
Bloch sphere in Māori - View the Bloch sphere in the Māori language.
Pythagorean theorem in Māori - View the Pythagorean theorem in the Māori language.
Days of the week in Māori - View the days of the week in the Māori language.
Arabic 18
Arabic Keyboard - An on-screen/virtual Arabic keyboard for typing Arabic text.
Arabic Alphabet Quiz - Test your knowledge of Arabic letters with this quiz.
Arabic Transliteration Keyboard - An on-screen/virtual keyboard for typing Arabic text using the Latin alphabet.
Arabic Crossword - A crossword puzzle with Arabic words.
Awesome Arabic - Awesome links and resources for the Arabic language.
Arabic-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Arabic.
Arabic Pronunciation Dictionary - A pronunciation dictionary of the Arabic language with IPA transcriptions.
Arabic–English Dictionary - A bilingual dictionary for learning and translating Arabic to English.
Arabic Word of the Day - Discover a new Arabic word every day.
Big Arabic Words - A collection of large-format Arabic words.
Arabic Alphabet - The Arabic alphabet chart.
Arabic-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Arabic language.
Arabic-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Arabic language.
Countries and regions in Arabic - The list of names of countries and regions in the Arabic language.
Oceans and seas in Arabic - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Arabic language.
Cardinal directions in Arabic - View the cardinal directions in the Arabic language.
Bloch sphere in Arabic - View the Bloch sphere in the Arabic language.
Pythagorean theorem in Arabic - View the Pythagorean theorem in the Arabic language.
Old Church Slavonic 5
Awesome Old Church Slavonic - A curated list of awesome resources on Old Church Slavonic.
BukyVede's Easter egg - Fun Easter eggs in the BukyVede font.
Old Church Slavonic Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Old Church Slavonic.
Old Church Slavonic Word of the Day - Discover a new Old Church Slavonic word every day.
Old Church Slavonic Alphabet - The Old Church Slavonic alphabet chart.
Elymaic 2
Elymaic Alphabet Quiz - Test your knowledge of the Elymaic alphabet (Elymaic script).
Elymaic Alphabet - The Elymaic alphabet chart.
Alphabets - Browse alphabets, scripts, and writing systems.
Tokenization Tool - An online tool for tokenizing text.
Hyphenation Tool - Hyphenate text online.
Towards more linked lexicographical data: Lexemes on Wikidata - A glimpse into the meaning and other properties of words described with structured and linked data.
Harnessing the power of the Oxford English Dictionary for linguistic research and NLP applications - How the OED Text Annotator may help bring text mining and natural language processing technologies to the next level.
Linear B Quiz - Test your knowledge of the Linear B script with this quiz.
Awesome linguistics - Awesome links and resources on linguistics.
German 11
Awesome German - A collection of awesome resources for the German language.
German-Language Standard Model - The Standard Model of particle physics in German.
German-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in German.
German Word of the Day - Discover a new German word every day.
German Alphabet - The German alphabet chart.
German-Language Calendar - A calendar for the German language.
German-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the German language.
Oceans and seas in German - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the German language.
Cardinal directions in German - View the cardinal directions in the German language.
Bloch sphere in German - View the Bloch sphere in the German language.
Pythagorean theorem in German - View the Pythagorean theorem in the German language.
Spanish 11
Awesome Spanish - A collection of awesome resources for the Spanish language.
Spanish-Language Standard Model - The Standard Model of particle physics in Spanish.
Spanish-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Spanish.
Spanish Word of the Day - Discover a new Spanish word every day.
Spanish Alphabet - The Spanish alphabet chart.
Spanish-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Spanish language.
Spanish-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Spanish language.
Oceans and seas in Spanish - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Spanish language.
Platonic solids in Spanish - View the Platonic solids in the Spanish language.
Bloch sphere in Spanish - View the Bloch sphere in the Spanish language.
Pythagorean theorem in Spanish - View the Pythagorean theorem in the Spanish language.
Mongolian 3
Mongolian Transliteration Tool - Convert Mongolian Cyrillic text to the traditional Mongolian script.
Mongolian Word of the Day - Discover a new Mongolian word every day.
Big Mongolian Words - A collection of large-format Mongolian words.
Inuktitut 11
Inuktitut Transliteration Tool - Convert Inuktitut text from the Latin script (romanized Inuktitut) to syllabics.
Awesome Inuktitut - A curated list of awesome resources on Inuktitut.
Inuktitut Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Inuktitut.
Inuktitut Word of the Day - Discover a new Inuktitut word every day.
Countries and regions in Inuktitut - The list of names of countries and regions in the Inuktitut language.
Chemical elements in Inuktitut - The list of names of chemical elements in the Inuktitut language.
Oceans and seas in Inuktitut - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Inuktitut language.
Cardinal directions in Inuktitut - View the cardinal directions in the Inuktitut language.
Numbers 1–10 in Inuktitut - The numbers 1–10 in the Inuktitut language.
Platonic solids in Inuktitut - View the Platonic solids in the Inuktitut language.
Days of the week in Inuktitut - View the days of the week in the Inuktitut language.
Phoenician 3
Phoenician Alphabet Quiz - Test your knowledge of the Phoenician alphabet.
Phoenician Word of the Day - Discover a new Phoenician word every day.
Phoenician Alphabet - The Phoenician alphabet chart.
Czech 7
Czech Keyboard - A virtual Czech keyboard.
Czech-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Czech.
Czech Word of the Day - Discover a new Czech word every day.
Czech Alphabet - The Czech alphabet chart.
Czech-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Czech language.
Oceans and seas in Czech - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Czech language.
Cardinal directions in Czech - View the cardinal directions in the Czech language.
Estonian 6
Estonian Keyboard - A virtual Estonian keyboard.
Estonian Word of the Day - Discover a new Estonian word every day.
Estonian Alphabet - The Estonian alphabet chart.
Estonian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Estonian language.
Oceans and seas in Estonian - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Estonian language.
Cardinal directions in Estonian - View the cardinal directions in the Estonian language.
Hungarian 5
Hungarian Keyboard - A virtual Hungarian keyboard.
Hungarian Word of the Day - Discover a new Hungarian word every day.
Hungarian Alphabet - The Hungarian alphabet chart.
Hungarian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Hungarian language.
Cardinal directions in Hungarian - View the cardinal directions in the Hungarian language.
Latvian 4
Latvian Keyboard - A virtual Latvian keyboard.
Latvian Word of the Day - Discover a new Latvian word every day.
Latvian Alphabet - The Latvian alphabet chart.
Cardinal directions in Latvian - View the cardinal directions in the Latvian language.
Lithuanian 5
Lithuanian Keyboard - A virtual Lithuanian keyboard.
Lithuanian Word of the Day - Discover a new Lithuanian word every day.
Lithuanian Alphabet - The Lithuanian alphabet chart.
Lithuanian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Lithuanian language.
Cardinal directions in Lithuanian - View the cardinal directions in the Lithuanian language.
Polish 6
Polish Keyboard - A virtual Polish keyboard.
Polish-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Polish.
Polish Word of the Day - Discover a new Polish word every day.
Polish Alphabet - The Polish alphabet chart.
Polish-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Polish language.
Polish-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Polish language.
Slovak 3
Slovak Keyboard - A virtual Slovak keyboard.
Slovak Word of the Day - Discover a new Slovak word every day.
Slovak Alphabet - The Slovak alphabet chart.
Bulgarian 6
Bulgarian Keyboard - A virtual Bulgarian keyboard.
Bulgarian-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Bulgarian.
Bulgarian Word of the Day - Discover a new Bulgarian word every day.
Bulgarian Alphabet - The Bulgarian alphabet chart.
Oceans and seas in Bulgarian - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Bulgarian language.
Cardinal directions in Bulgarian - View the cardinal directions in the Bulgarian language.
Belarusian 14
Belarusian Keyboard - A virtual Belarusian keyboard.
Belarusian-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Belarusian.
Марфемны слоўнік беларускай мовы - Разбор слоў па саставе (марфемны аналіз) з абазначэннямі марфем.
Belarusian Pronunciation Dictionary - A pronunciation dictionary of the Belarusian language with IPA transcriptions.
Слоўнік націскаў беларускай мовы - Пастаноўка націску ў словах (акцэнталагічны слоўнік).
Belarusian Word of the Day - Discover a new Belarusian word every day.
Belarusian Alphabet - The Belarusian alphabet chart.
Belarusian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Belarusian language.
Belarusian-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Belarusian language.
Oceans and seas in Belarusian - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Belarusian language.
Numbers 1–10 in Belarusian - The numbers 1–10 in the Belarusian language.
Platonic solids in Belarusian - View the Platonic solids in the Belarusian language.
Bloch sphere in Belarusian - View the Bloch sphere in the Belarusian language.
Pythagorean theorem in Belarusian - View the Pythagorean theorem in the Belarusian language.
Macedonian 5
Macedonian Keyboard - A virtual Macedonian keyboard.
Macedonian Word of the Day - Discover a new Macedonian word every day.
Macedonian Alphabet - The Macedonian alphabet chart.
Macedonian-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Macedonian language.
Cardinal directions in Macedonian - View the cardinal directions in the Macedonian language.
Russian 20
Russian Keyboard - A virtual Russian keyboard.
Russian-Language Standard Model - The Standard Model of particle physics in Russian.
Russian-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Russian.
Russian Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle with Russian words.
Морфемный словарь русского языка - Разбор слов по составу (морфемный анализ) с обозначениями морфем.
Russian Pronunciation Dictionary - A pronunciation dictionary of the Russian language with IPA transcriptions.
Russian–English Dictionary - A bilingual dictionary for learning and translating Russian to English.
Словарь ударений русского языка - Постановка ударения в словах (акцентологический словарь).
Russian Word of the Day - Discover a new Russian word every day.
Russian Alphabet - The Russian alphabet chart.
Russian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Russian language.
Russian-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Russian language.
Oceans and seas in Russian - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Russian language.
Cardinal directions in Russian - View the cardinal directions in the Russian language.
Numbers 1–10 in Russian - The numbers 1–10 in the Russian language.
Platonic solids in Russian - View the Platonic solids in the Russian language.
Bloch sphere in Russian - View the Bloch sphere in the Russian language.
Pythagorean theorem in Russian - View the Pythagorean theorem in the Russian language.
IPA vowel chart in Russian - View the IPA vowel chart in the Russian language.
Days of the week in Russian - View the days of the week in the Russian language.
Ukrainian 7
Ukrainian Keyboard - A virtual Ukrainian keyboard.
Морфемний словник української мови - Розбір слів за будовою (морфемний аналіз) із позначеннями морфем.
Ukrainian Word of the Day - Discover a new Ukrainian word every day.
Ukrainian Alphabet - The Ukrainian alphabet chart.
Ukrainian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Ukrainian language.
Ukrainian-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Ukrainian language.
Oceans and seas in Ukrainian - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Ukrainian language.
Azerbaijani 12
Azerbaijani Keyboard - A virtual Azerbaijani keyboard.
Azerbaijani-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Azerbaijani.
Azerbaijani Word of the Day - Discover a new Azerbaijani word every day.
Azerbaijani Alphabet - The Azerbaijani alphabet chart.
Azerbaijani-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Azerbaijani language.
Countries and regions in Azerbaijani - The list of names of countries and regions in the Azerbaijani language.
Oceans and seas in Azerbaijani - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Azerbaijani language.
Cardinal directions in Azerbaijani - View the cardinal directions in the Azerbaijani language.
Numbers 1–10 in Azerbaijani - The numbers 1–10 in the Azerbaijani language.
Platonic solids in Azerbaijani - View the Platonic solids in the Azerbaijani language.
Bloch sphere in Azerbaijani - View the Bloch sphere in the Azerbaijani language.
Pythagorean theorem in Azerbaijani - View the Pythagorean theorem in the Azerbaijani language.
Croatian 3
Croatian Keyboard - A virtual Croatian keyboard.
Croatian Word of the Day - Discover a new Croatian word every day.
Croatian Alphabet - The Croatian alphabet chart.
Devanagari 1
Devanagari Keyboard - A virtual Devanagari keyboard.
Faroese 4
Faroese Keyboard - A virtual Faroese keyboard.
Faroese Word of the Day - Discover a new Faroese word every day.
Faroese Alphabet - The Faroese alphabet chart.
Oceans and seas in Faroese - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Faroese language.
Greek 13
Greek Keyboard - A virtual Greek keyboard.
Greek-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Greek.
Greek Word of the Day - Discover a new Greek word every day.
Greek Alphabet - The Greek alphabet chart.
Greek-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Greek language.
Greek-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Greek language.
Oceans and seas in Greek - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Greek language.
Cardinal directions in Greek - View the cardinal directions in the Greek language.
Numbers 1–10 in Greek - The numbers 1–10 in the Greek language.
Platonic solids in Greek - View the Platonic solids in the Greek language.
Bloch sphere in Greek - View the Bloch sphere in the Greek language.
Pythagorean theorem in Greek - View the Pythagorean theorem in the Greek language.
Days of the week in Greek - View the days of the week in the Greek language.
Gujarati 2
Gujarati Keyboard - A virtual Gujarati keyboard.
Gujarati Word of the Day - Discover a new Gujarati word every day.
Gurmukhi 1
Gurmukhi Keyboard - A virtual Gurmukhi keyboard.
Hawaiian 6
Hawaiian Keyboard - A virtual Hawaiian keyboard.
Hawaiian Word of the Day - Discover a new Hawaiian word every day.
Hawaiian Alphabet - The Hawaiian alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Hawaiian - The list of names of countries and regions in the Hawaiian language.
Chemical elements in Hawaiian - The list of names of chemical elements in the Hawaiian language.
Oceans and seas in Hawaiian - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Hawaiian language.
Hebrew 6
Hebrew Keyboard - A virtual Hebrew keyboard.
Hebrew Word of the Day - Discover a new Hebrew word every day.
Hebrew Alphabet - The Hebrew alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Hebrew - The list of names of countries and regions in the Hebrew language.
Chemical elements in Hebrew - The list of names of chemical elements in the Hebrew language.
Cardinal directions in Hebrew - View the cardinal directions in the Hebrew language.
Icelandic 4
Icelandic Keyboard - A virtual Icelandic keyboard.
Icelandic Word of the Day - Discover a new Icelandic word every day.
Icelandic Alphabet - The Icelandic alphabet chart.
Icelandic-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Icelandic language.
Nepali 3
Nepali Keyboard - A virtual Nepali keyboard.
Nepali Word of the Day - Discover a new Nepali word every day.
Oceans and seas in Nepali - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Nepali language.
Persian 8
Persian Keyboard - A virtual Persian keyboard.
Persian Word of the Day - Discover a new Persian word every day.
Persian Alphabet - The Persian alphabet chart.
Persian-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Persian language.
Oceans and seas in Persian - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Persian language.
Bloch sphere in Persian - View the Bloch sphere in the Persian language.
Pythagorean theorem in Persian - View the Pythagorean theorem in the Persian language.
IPA vowel chart in Persian - View the IPA vowel chart in the Persian language.
Romanian 4
Romanian Keyboard - A virtual Romanian keyboard.
Romanian Word of the Day - Discover a new Romanian word every day.
Romanian Alphabet - The Romanian alphabet chart.
Romanian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Romanian language.
Slovene 3
Slovene Keyboard - A virtual Slovene keyboard.
Slovene Word of the Day - Discover a new Slovene word every day.
Slovene Alphabet - The Slovene alphabet chart.
Thai 3
Thai Keyboard - A virtual Thai keyboard.
Thai Word of the Day - Discover a new Thai word every day.
Thai-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Thai language.
Turkish 5
Turkish Keyboard - A virtual Turkish keyboard.
Turkish-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Turkish.
Turkish Word of the Day - Discover a new Turkish word every day.
Turkish Alphabet - The Turkish alphabet chart.
Turkish-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Turkish language.
Vietnamese 6
Vietnamese Keyboard - A virtual Vietnamese keyboard.
Vietnamese-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Vietnamese.
Vietnamese Word of the Day - Discover a new Vietnamese word every day.
Vietnamese Alphabet - The Vietnamese alphabet chart.
Vietnamese-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Vietnamese language.
Vietnamese-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Vietnamese language.
Welsh 6
Welsh Keyboard - A virtual Welsh keyboard.
Welsh Word of the Day - Discover a new Welsh word every day.
Welsh Alphabet - The Welsh alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Welsh - The list of names of countries and regions in the Welsh language.
Chemical elements in Welsh - The list of names of chemical elements in the Welsh language.
Oceans and seas in Welsh - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Welsh language.
Chinese 7
Chinese-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Chinese.
Chinese Word of the Day - Discover a new Chinese word every day.
Big Chinese Characters - A collection of large-format Chinese characters.
Chinese-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Chinese language.
Chinese-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Chinese language.
Cardinal directions in Chinese - View the cardinal directions in the Chinese language.
IPA vowel chart in Chinese - View the IPA vowel chart in the Chinese language.
French 7
French-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in French.
French Word of the Day - Discover a new French word every day.
French Alphabet - The French alphabet chart.
French-Language Calendar - A calendar for the French language.
French-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the French language.
Cardinal directions in French - View the cardinal directions in the French language.
Platonic solids in French - View the Platonic solids in the French language.
Japanese 5
Japanese-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Japanese.
Japanese Word of the Day - Discover a new Japanese word every day.
Japanese-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Japanese language.
Japanese-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Japanese language.
Cardinal directions in Japanese - View the cardinal directions in the Japanese language.
Portuguese 7
Portuguese-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Portuguese.
Portuguese Word of the Day - Discover a new Portuguese word every day.
Portuguese Alphabet - The Portuguese alphabet chart.
Portuguese-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Portuguese language.
Portuguese-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Portuguese language.
Platonic solids in Portuguese - View the Platonic solids in the Portuguese language.
IPA vowel chart in Portuguese - View the IPA vowel chart in the Portuguese language.
Italian 6
Italian-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Italian.
Italian Word of the Day - Discover a new Italian word every day.
Italian Alphabet - The Italian alphabet chart.
Italian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Italian language.
Italian-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Italian language.
Cardinal directions in Italian - View the cardinal directions in the Italian language.
Dutch 6
Dutch-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Dutch.
Dutch Word of the Day - Discover a new Dutch word every day.
Dutch Alphabet - The Dutch alphabet chart.
Dutch-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Dutch language.
Dutch-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Dutch language.
Cardinal directions in Dutch - View the cardinal directions in the Dutch language.
Swedish 6
Swedish-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Swedish.
Swedish Word of the Day - Discover a new Swedish word every day.
Swedish Alphabet - The Swedish alphabet chart.
Swedish-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Swedish language.
Swedish-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Swedish language.
IPA vowel chart in Swedish - View the IPA vowel chart in the Swedish language.
Indonesian 3
Indonesian-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Indonesian.
Indonesian Word of the Day - Discover a new Indonesian word every day.
Cardinal directions in Indonesian - View the cardinal directions in the Indonesian language.
Korean 5
Korean-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Korean.
Korean Word of the Day - Discover a new Korean word every day.
Korean-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Korean language.
Korean-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Korean language.
Cardinal directions in Korean - View the cardinal directions in the Korean language.
Hindi 3
Hindi Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Hindi.
Hindi Word of the Day - Discover a new Hindi word every day.
Cardinal directions in Hindi - View the cardinal directions in the Hindi language.
Bengali 3
Bengali-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Bengali.
Bengali Word of the Day - Discover a new Bengali word every day.
Cardinal directions in Bengali - View the cardinal directions in the Bengali language.
Urdu 3
Urdu Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Urdu.
Urdu Word of the Day - Discover a new Urdu word every day.
Urdu Alphabet - The Urdu alphabet chart.
Marathi 2
Marathi Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Marathi.
Marathi Word of the Day - Discover a new Marathi word every day.
Telugu 2
Telugu-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Telugu.
Telugu Word of the Day - Discover a new Telugu word every day.
Tamil 2
Tamil-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Tamil.
Tamil Word of the Day - Discover a new Tamil word every day.
Swahili 3
Swahili-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Swahili.
Swahili Word of the Day - Discover a new Swahili word every day.
Swahili Alphabet - The Swahili alphabet chart.
Albanian 4
Albanian-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Albanian.
Albanian Word of the Day - Discover a new Albanian word every day.
Albanian Alphabet - The Albanian alphabet chart.
IPA vowel chart in Albanian - View the IPA vowel chart in the Albanian language.
Yoruba 3
Yoruba-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Yoruba.
Yoruba Word of the Day - Discover a new Yoruba word every day.
Yoruba Alphabet - The Yoruba alphabet chart.
Catalan 9
Catalan-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Catalan.
Catalan Word of the Day - Discover a new Catalan word every day.
Catalan Alphabet - The Catalan alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Catalan - The list of names of countries and regions in the Catalan language.
Chemical elements in Catalan - The list of names of chemical elements in the Catalan language.
Oceans and seas in Catalan - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Catalan language.
Cardinal directions in Catalan - View the cardinal directions in the Catalan language.
Bloch sphere in Catalan - View the Bloch sphere in the Catalan language.
Pythagorean theorem in Catalan - View the Pythagorean theorem in the Catalan language.
Esperanto 6
Esperanto Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Esperanto.
Esperanto Word of the Day - Discover a new Esperanto word every day.
Esperanto Alphabet - The Esperanto alphabet chart.
Oceans and seas in Esperanto - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Esperanto language.
Cardinal directions in Esperanto - View the cardinal directions in the Esperanto language.
Platonic solids in Esperanto - View the Platonic solids in the Esperanto language.
Ido 2
Ido Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Ido.
Cardinal directions in Ido - View the cardinal directions in the Ido language.
Interlingua 2
Interlingua Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Interlingua.
Cardinal directions in Interlingua - View the cardinal directions in the Interlingua language.
Interlingue 1
Interlingue Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Interlingue.
Guarani 3
Guarani-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Guarani.
Guarani Word of the Day - Discover a new Guarani word every day.
Guarani Alphabet - The Guarani alphabet chart.
Haitian Creole 1
Haitian Creole Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Haitian Creole.
Nahuatl 5
Nahuatl-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Nahuatl.
Nahuatl Word of the Day - Discover a new Nahuatl word every day.
Countries and regions in Nahuatl - The list of names of countries and regions in the Nahuatl language.
Chemical elements in Nahuatl - The list of names of chemical elements in the Nahuatl language.
Oceans and seas in Nahuatl - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Nahuatl language.
Maldivian 2
Maldivian-Language Periodic Table - The periodic table of the elements in Maldivian.
Countries and regions in Maldivian - The list of names of countries and regions in the Maldivian language.
Finnish 6
Finnish Word of the Day - Discover a new Finnish word every day.
Finnish Alphabet - The Finnish alphabet chart.
Finnish-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Finnish language.
Oceans and seas in Finnish - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Finnish language.
Cardinal directions in Finnish - View the cardinal directions in the Finnish language.
IPA vowel chart in Finnish - View the IPA vowel chart in the Finnish language.
Danish 5
Danish Word of the Day - Discover a new Danish word every day.
Danish Alphabet - The Danish alphabet chart.
Danish-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Danish language.
Oceans and seas in Danish - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Danish language.
Cardinal directions in Danish - View the cardinal directions in the Danish language.
Serbian 1
Serbian Word of the Day - Discover a new Serbian word every day.
Norwegian 3
Norwegian Word of the Day - Discover a new Norwegian word every day.
Norwegian Alphabet - The Norwegian alphabet chart.
Cardinal directions in Norwegian - View the cardinal directions in the Norwegian language.
Hausa 2
Hausa Word of the Day - Discover a new Hausa word every day.
Hausa Alphabet - The Hausa alphabet chart.
Tagalog 2
Tagalog Word of the Day - Discover a new Tagalog word every day.
Tagalog Alphabet - The Tagalog alphabet chart.
Punjabi 1
Punjabi Word of the Day - Discover a new Punjabi word every day.
Javanese 3
Javanese Word of the Day - Discover a new Javanese word every day.
Javanese Alphabet - The Javanese alphabet chart.
Cardinal directions in Javanese - View the cardinal directions in the Javanese language.
Amharic 3
Amharic Word of the Day - Discover a new Amharic word every day.
Countries and regions in Amharic - The list of names of countries and regions in the Amharic language.
Cardinal directions in Amharic - View the cardinal directions in the Amharic language.
Kannada 1
Kannada Word of the Day - Discover a new Kannada word every day.
Latin 3
Latin Word of the Day - Discover a new Latin word every day.
Cardinal directions in Latin - View the cardinal directions in the Latin language.
IPA vowel chart in Latin - View the IPA vowel chart in the Latin language.
Zulu 1
Zulu Word of the Day - Discover a new Zulu word every day.
Irish 6
Irish Word of the Day - Discover a new Irish word every day.
Irish Alphabet - The Irish alphabet chart.
Irish-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Irish language.
Countries and regions in Irish - The list of names of countries and regions in the Irish language.
Chemical elements in Irish - The list of names of chemical elements in the Irish language.
Cardinal directions in Irish - View the cardinal directions in the Irish language.
Scottish Gaelic 3
Scottish Gaelic Word of the Day - Discover a new Scottish Gaelic word every day.
Countries and regions in Scottish Gaelic - The list of names of countries and regions in the Scottish Gaelic language.
Chemical elements in Scottish Gaelic - The list of names of chemical elements in the Scottish Gaelic language.
Breton 5
Breton Word of the Day - Discover a new Breton word every day.
Breton Alphabet - The Breton alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Breton - The list of names of countries and regions in the Breton language.
Chemical elements in Breton - The list of names of chemical elements in the Breton language.
Oceans and seas in Breton - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Breton language.
Navajo 4
Navajo Word of the Day - Discover a new Navajo word every day.
Countries and regions in Navajo - The list of names of countries and regions in the Navajo language.
Chemical elements in Navajo - The list of names of chemical elements in the Navajo language.
Oceans and seas in Navajo - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Navajo language.
Ojibwe 3
Ojibwe Word of the Day - Discover a new Ojibwe word every day.
Ojibwe Alphabet - The Ojibwe alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Ojibwe - The list of names of countries and regions in the Ojibwe language.
Cherokee 4
Cherokee Word of the Day - Discover a new Cherokee word every day.
Countries and regions in Cherokee - The list of names of countries and regions in the Cherokee language.
Chemical elements in Cherokee - The list of names of chemical elements in the Cherokee language.
Oceans and seas in Cherokee - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Cherokee language.
Cree 2
Cree Word of the Day - Discover a new Cree word every day.
Countries and regions in Cree - The list of names of countries and regions in the Cree language.
Noongar 1
Noongar Word of the Day - Discover a new Noongar word every day.
Wiradjuri 1
Wiradjuri Word of the Day - Discover a new Wiradjuri word every day.
Gamilaraay 1
Gamilaraay Word of the Day - Discover a new Gamilaraay word every day.
Basque 7
Basque Word of the Day - Discover a new Basque word every day.
Basque Alphabet - The Basque alphabet chart.
Basque-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Basque language.
Countries and regions in Basque - The list of names of countries and regions in the Basque language.
Chemical elements in Basque - The list of names of chemical elements in the Basque language.
Oceans and seas in Basque - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Basque language.
Cardinal directions in Basque - View the cardinal directions in the Basque language.
Northern Sámi 5
Northern Sámi Word of the Day - Discover a new Northern Sámi word every day.
Northern Sámi Alphabet - The Northern Sámi alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Northern Sámi - The list of names of countries and regions in the Northern Sámi language.
Chemical elements in Northern Sámi - The list of names of chemical elements in the Northern Sámi language.
Cardinal directions in Northern Sámi - View the cardinal directions in the Northern Sámi language.
Occitan 4
Occitan Word of the Day - Discover a new Occitan word every day.
Occitan Alphabet - The Occitan alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Occitan - The list of names of countries and regions in the Occitan language.
Chemical elements in Occitan - The list of names of chemical elements in the Occitan language.
West Frisian 4
West Frisian Word of the Day - Discover a new West Frisian word every day.
West Frisian Alphabet - The West Frisian alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in West Frisian - The list of names of countries and regions in the West Frisian language.
Chemical elements in West Frisian - The list of names of chemical elements in the West Frisian language.
Scots 1
Scots Word of the Day - Discover a new Scots word every day.
Cornish 3
Cornish Word of the Day - Discover a new Cornish word every day.
Countries and regions in Cornish - The list of names of countries and regions in the Cornish language.
Chemical elements in Cornish - The list of names of chemical elements in the Cornish language.
Manx 3
Manx Word of the Day - Discover a new Manx word every day.
Countries and regions in Manx - The list of names of countries and regions in the Manx language.
Chemical elements in Manx - The list of names of chemical elements in the Manx language.
Romansh 1
Romansh Word of the Day - Discover a new Romansh word every day.
Franco-Provençal 1
Franco-Provençal Word of the Day - Discover a new Franco-Provençal word every day.
Friulian 2
Friulian Word of the Day - Discover a new Friulian word every day.
Friulian Alphabet - The Friulian alphabet chart.
Sardinian 1
Sardinian Word of the Day - Discover a new Sardinian word every day.
Ainu 1
Ainu Word of the Day - Discover a new Ainu word every day.
Okinawan 1
Okinawan Word of the Day - Discover a new Okinawan word every day.
Amis 1
Amis Word of the Day - Discover a new Amis word every day.
Atayal 1
Atayal Word of the Day - Discover a new Atayal word every day.
Malayalam 1
Malayalam Word of the Day - Discover a new Malayalam word every day.
Konkani 1
Konkani Word of the Day - Discover a new Konkani word every day.
Tulu 1
Tulu Word of the Day - Discover a new Tulu word every day.
Uyghur 3
Uyghur Word of the Day - Discover a new Uyghur word every day.
Uyghur Alphabet - The Uyghur alphabet chart.
Uyghur-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Uyghur language.
Tibetan 1
Tibetan Word of the Day - Discover a new Tibetan word every day.
Tashelhit 1
Tashelhit Word of the Day - Discover a new Tashelhit word every day.
Fula 1
Fula Word of the Day - Discover a new Fula word every day.
Igbo 2
Igbo Word of the Day - Discover a new Igbo word every day.
Igbo Alphabet - The Igbo alphabet chart.
Afrikaans 4
Afrikaans Word of the Day - Discover a new Afrikaans word every day.
Afrikaans Alphabet - The Afrikaans alphabet chart.
Afrikaans-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Afrikaans language.
Oceans and seas in Afrikaans - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Afrikaans language.
Quechua 5
Quechua Word of the Day - Discover a new Quechua word every day.
Quechua Alphabet - The Quechua alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Quechua - The list of names of countries and regions in the Quechua language.
Chemical elements in Quechua - The list of names of chemical elements in the Quechua language.
Oceans and seas in Quechua - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Quechua language.
Aymara 1
Aymara Word of the Day - Discover a new Aymara word every day.
Kʼicheʼ 1
Kʼicheʼ Word of the Day - Discover a new Kʼicheʼ word every day.
Mapuche 1
Mapuche Word of the Day - Discover a new Mapuche word every day.
Garifuna 1
Garifuna Word of the Day - Discover a new Garifuna word every day.
Samoan 3
Samoan Word of the Day - Discover a new Samoan word every day.
Samoan Alphabet - The Samoan alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Samoan - The list of names of countries and regions in the Samoan language.
Tongan 5
Tongan Word of the Day - Discover a new Tongan word every day.
Tongan Alphabet - The Tongan alphabet chart.
Tongan-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Tongan language.
Countries and regions in Tongan - The list of names of countries and regions in the Tongan language.
Oceans and seas in Tongan - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Tongan language.
Fijian 4
Fijian Word of the Day - Discover a new Fijian word every day.
Fijian Alphabet - The Fijian alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Fijian - The list of names of countries and regions in the Fijian language.
Chemical elements in Fijian - The list of names of chemical elements in the Fijian language.
Burmese 3
Burmese Word of the Day - Discover a new Burmese word every day.
Burmese-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Burmese language.
Cardinal directions in Burmese - View the cardinal directions in the Burmese language.
Pashto 2
Pashto Word of the Day - Discover a new Pashto word every day.
Pashto Alphabet - The Pashto alphabet chart.
Kinyarwanda 2
Kinyarwanda Word of the Day - Discover a new Kinyarwanda word every day.
Kinyarwanda Alphabet - The Kinyarwanda alphabet chart.
Luxembourgish 2
Luxembourgish Word of the Day - Discover a new Luxembourgish word every day.
Luxembourgish Alphabet - The Luxembourgish alphabet chart.
Asturian 3
Asturian Word of the Day - Discover a new Asturian word every day.
Asturian Alphabet - The Asturian alphabet chart.
Cardinal directions in Asturian - View the cardinal directions in the Asturian language.
Cebuano 2
Cebuano Word of the Day - Discover a new Cebuano word every day.
Cebuano Alphabet - The Cebuano alphabet chart.
Bosnian 2
Bosnian Word of the Day - Discover a new Bosnian word every day.
Bosnian Alphabet - The Bosnian alphabet chart.
Georgian 5
Georgian Word of the Day - Discover a new Georgian word every day.
Georgian Alphabet - The Georgian alphabet chart.
Georgian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Georgian language.
Georgian-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Georgian language.
Cardinal directions in Georgian - View the cardinal directions in the Georgian language.
Walloon 2
Walloon Word of the Day - Discover a new Walloon word every day.
Walloon Alphabet - The Walloon alphabet chart.
Tetum 4
Tetum Word of the Day - Discover a new Tetum word every day.
Tetum Alphabet - The Tetum alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Tetum - The list of names of countries and regions in the Tetum language.
Oceans and seas in Tetum - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Tetum language.
Somali 2
Somali Word of the Day - Discover a new Somali word every day.
Somali Alphabet - The Somali alphabet chart.
Santali 2
Santali Word of the Day - Discover a new Santali word every day.
Santali Alphabet - The Santali alphabet chart.
Rotokas 2
Rotokas Word of the Day - Discover a new Rotokas word every day.
Rotokas Alphabet - The Rotokas alphabet chart.
Old English 2
Old English Word of the Day - Discover a new Old English word every day.
Old English Alphabet - The Old English alphabet chart.
Montenegrin 3
Montenegrin Word of the Day - Discover a new Montenegrin word every day.
Montenegrin Alphabet - The Montenegrin alphabet chart.
Oceans and seas in Montenegrin - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Montenegrin language.
Mizo 2
Mizo Word of the Day - Discover a new Mizo word every day.
Mizo Alphabet - The Mizo alphabet chart.
Massachusett 2
Massachusett Word of the Day - Discover a new Massachusett word every day.
Massachusett Alphabet - The Massachusett alphabet chart.
Maltese 2
Maltese Word of the Day - Discover a new Maltese word every day.
Maltese Alphabet - The Maltese alphabet chart.
Malay 2
Malay Word of the Day - Discover a new Malay word every day.
Malay Alphabet - The Malay alphabet chart.
Komi 2
Komi Word of the Day - Discover a new Komi word every day.
Komi Alphabet - The Komi alphabet chart.
Kashubian 2
Kashubian Word of the Day - Discover a new Kashubian word every day.
Kashubian Alphabet - The Kashubian alphabet chart.
Karelian 2
Karelian Word of the Day - Discover a new Karelian word every day.
Karelian Alphabet - The Karelian alphabet chart.
Galician 5
Galician Word of the Day - Discover a new Galician word every day.
Galician Alphabet - The Galician alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Galician - The list of names of countries and regions in the Galician language.
Chemical elements in Galician - The list of names of chemical elements in the Galician language.
Cardinal directions in Galician - View the cardinal directions in the Galician language.
Gagauz 2
Gagauz Word of the Day - Discover a new Gagauz word every day.
Gagauz Alphabet - The Gagauz alphabet chart.
Maasina Fulfulde 2
Maasina Fulfulde Word of the Day - Discover a new Maasina Fulfulde word every day.
Maasina Fulfulde Alphabet - The Maasina Fulfulde alphabet chart.
Pular 2
Pular Word of the Day - Discover a new Pular word every day.
Pular Alphabet - The Pular alphabet chart.
Pulaar 2
Pulaar Word of the Day - Discover a new Pulaar word every day.
Pulaar Alphabet - The Pulaar alphabet chart.
Filipino 2
Filipino Word of the Day - Discover a new Filipino word every day.
Filipino Alphabet - The Filipino alphabet chart.
Elfdalian 2
Elfdalian Word of the Day - Discover a new Elfdalian word every day.
Elfdalian Alphabet - The Elfdalian alphabet chart.
Dinka 2
Dinka Word of the Day - Discover a new Dinka word every day.
Dinka Alphabet - The Dinka alphabet chart.
Bari 2
Bari Word of the Day - Discover a new Bari word every day.
Bari Alphabet - The Bari alphabet chart.
Aromanian 2
Aromanian Word of the Day - Discover a new Aromanian word every day.
Aromanian Alphabet - The Aromanian alphabet chart.
Coptic 3
Coptic Word of the Day - Discover a new Coptic word every day.
Coptic Alphabet - The Coptic alphabet chart.
Cardinal directions in Coptic - View the cardinal directions in the Coptic language.
Gothic 3
Gothic Word of the Day - Discover a new Gothic word every day.
Gothic Alphabet - The Gothic alphabet chart.
Countries and regions in Gothic - The list of names of countries and regions in the Gothic language.
Crimean Tatar 2
Crimean Tatar Word of the Day - Discover a new Crimean Tatar word every day.
Crimean Tatar Alphabet - The Crimean Tatar alphabet chart.
Dungan 2
Dungan Word of the Day - Discover a new Dungan word every day.
Dungan Alphabet - The Dungan alphabet chart.
Kazakh 2
Kazakh Word of the Day - Discover a new Kazakh word every day.
Kazakh Alphabet - The Kazakh alphabet chart.
Khakas 2
Khakas Word of the Day - Discover a new Khakas word every day.
Khakas Alphabet - The Khakas alphabet chart.
Kildin Sámi 3
Kildin Sámi Word of the Day - Discover a new Kildin Sámi word every day.
Kildin Sámi Alphabet - The Kildin Sámi alphabet chart.
Cardinal directions in Kildin Sámi - View the cardinal directions in the Kildin Sámi language.
Kurdish 2
Kurdish Word of the Day - Discover a new Kurdish word every day.
Kurdish Alphabet - The Kurdish alphabet chart.
Kyrgyz 2
Kyrgyz Word of the Day - Discover a new Kyrgyz word every day.
Kyrgyz Alphabet - The Kyrgyz alphabet chart.
Lezgian 2
Lezgian Word of the Day - Discover a new Lezgian word every day.
Lezgian Alphabet - The Lezgian alphabet chart.
Mansi 2
Mansi Word of the Day - Discover a new Mansi word every day.
Mansi Alphabet - The Mansi alphabet chart.
Nogai 2
Nogai Word of the Day - Discover a new Nogai word every day.
Nogai Alphabet - The Nogai alphabet chart.
Tajik 2
Tajik Word of the Day - Discover a new Tajik word every day.
Tajik Alphabet - The Tajik alphabet chart.
Tatar 2
Tatar Word of the Day - Discover a new Tatar word every day.
Tatar Alphabet - The Tatar alphabet chart.
Turkmen 2
Turkmen Word of the Day - Discover a new Turkmen word every day.
Turkmen Alphabet - The Turkmen alphabet chart.
Udmurt 2
Udmurt Word of the Day - Discover a new Udmurt word every day.
Udmurt Alphabet - The Udmurt alphabet chart.
Yakut 2
Yakut Word of the Day - Discover a new Yakut word every day.
Yakut Alphabet - The Yakut alphabet chart.
Uzbek 2
Uzbek Word of the Day - Discover a new Uzbek word every day.
Uzbek Alphabet - The Uzbek alphabet chart.
Osage 2
Osage Word of the Day - Discover a new Osage word every day.
Osage Alphabet - The Osage alphabet chart.
Ancient Greek 3
Ancient Greek Word of the Day - Discover a new Ancient Greek word every day.
Ancient Greek Alphabet - The Ancient Greek alphabet chart.
Oceans and seas in Ancient Greek - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Ancient Greek language.
Avar 3
Avar Word of the Day - Discover a new Avar word every day.
Avar Alphabet - The Avar alphabet chart.
IPA vowel chart in Avar - View the IPA vowel chart in the Avar language.
Ewe 2
Ewe Word of the Day - Discover a new Ewe word every day.
Ewe Alphabet - The Ewe alphabet chart.
Carian 2
Carian Word of the Day - Discover a new Carian word every day.
Carian Alphabet - The Carian alphabet chart.
Armenian 6
Armenian Word of the Day - Discover a new Armenian word every day.
Armenian Alphabet - The Armenian alphabet chart.
Armenian-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Armenian language.
Armenian-Language Map of the World - A map of the world in the Armenian language.
Oceans and seas in Armenian - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Armenian language.
Cardinal directions in Armenian - View the cardinal directions in the Armenian language.
Chuvash 3
Chuvash Word of the Day - Discover a new Chuvash word every day.
Chuvash Alphabet - The Chuvash alphabet chart.
Chuvash-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Chuvash language.
Corsican 3
Corsican Word of the Day - Discover a new Corsican word every day.
Corsican Alphabet - The Corsican alphabet chart.
Corsican-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Corsican language.
Chechen 3
Chechen Word of the Day - Discover a new Chechen word every day.
Chechen Alphabet - The Chechen alphabet chart.
Chechen-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Chechen language.
Bambara 3
Bambara Word of the Day - Discover a new Bambara word every day.
Bambara Alphabet - The Bambara alphabet chart.
Bambara-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Bambara language.
Bashkir 4
Bashkir Word of the Day - Discover a new Bashkir word every day.
Bashkir Alphabet - The Bashkir alphabet chart.
Bashkir-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Bashkir language.
Oceans and seas in Bashkir - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Bashkir language.
Avestan 3
Avestan Word of the Day - Discover a new Avestan word every day.
Avestan Alphabet - The Avestan alphabet chart.
Avestan-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Avestan language.
Abkhaz 4
Abkhaz Word of the Day - Discover a new Abkhaz word every day.
Abkhaz Alphabet - The Abkhaz alphabet chart.
Abkhaz-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Abkhaz language.
Oceans and seas in Abkhaz - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Abkhaz language.
Afar 3
Afar Word of the Day - Discover a new Afar word every day.
Afar Alphabet - The Afar alphabet chart.
Afar-Language Calendar - A calendar for the Afar language.
Caucasian Albanian 2
Caucasian Albanian Word of the Day - Discover a new Caucasian Albanian word every day.
Caucasian Albanian Alphabet - The Caucasian Albanian alphabet chart.
Sorbian 1
Sorbian Alphabet - The Sorbian alphabet chart.
Glagolitic 1
Glagolitic Alphabet - The Glagolitic alphabet chart.
Aramaic 1
Aramaic Alphabet - The Aramaic alphabet chart.
Syriac 2
Syriac Alphabet - The Syriac alphabet chart.
Oceans and seas in Syriac - The list of names of Earth's oceans and seas in the Syriac language.
Mandaic 1
Mandaic Alphabet - The Mandaic alphabet chart.
Dzongkha 1
Countries and regions in Dzongkha - The list of names of countries and regions in the Dzongkha language.
Odia 1
Countries and regions in Odia - The list of names of countries and regions in the Odia language.
Sanskrit 2
Countries and regions in Sanskrit - The list of names of countries and regions in the Sanskrit language.
Chemical elements in Sanskrit - The list of names of chemical elements in the Sanskrit language.
Tigrinya 1
Countries and regions in Tigrinya - The list of names of countries and regions in the Tigrinya language.
Garo 1
Cardinal directions in Garo - View the cardinal directions in the Garo language.
Khmer 1
Cardinal directions in Khmer - View the cardinal directions in the Khmer language.
Lao 1
Cardinal directions in Lao - View the cardinal directions in the Lao language.
Meitei 1
Cardinal directions in Meitei - View the cardinal directions in the Meitei language.
Typography 22
TeX and friends 8
Metafont 4
Metafont Compiler - Execute Metafont code online.
GF Viewer - Open "generic font" (.gf) files online.
Awesome Metafont - A curated list of awesome resources on Metafont.
Computer Modern Playground - An interactive demo of the Computer Modern metafont.
MetaPost Compiler - Execute MetaPost code online.
TeX to SVG - Convert TeX to SVG online.
LaTeX Compiler - A online editor and compiler for LaTeX that runs fully on the client.
Asymptote Editor - Edit Asymptote scripts online.
Font Converter - Convert fonts between different formats.
Font Parser - An online tool for parsing font files.
Font Viewer - An online font viewer.
FreeType WASM - A WASM port of the FreeType library.
The nine best fonts of all time - The list of my top nine favorite fonts.
Converting fonts with FontForge using the command line on macOS - How to convert font files using FontForge's scripting language on macOS?
Timeless fonts I grew up with - A nostalgic journey into the fonts that shaped my perspective growing up and continue to be my source of inspiration.
COLRv1 to SVG - Convert COLRv1 fonts to SVG.
Awesome font engineering - A curated list of awesome resources on font engineering.
Awesome typography - A curated list of awesome resources on typography.
Typography quotes - A collection of quotes about typography.
Typography Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for typographical terms.
Fonts pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for the names of fonts.
Typographers and type designers pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of typographers and type designers.
Data management 8
How a custom solution helps Facebook's engineers discover the data they need - The story of Nemo, Facebook's internal data discovery engine.
Navigating unstructured data: The rise of question answering - Question answering technologies are key to efficiently dealing with overwhelming amounts of unstructured data.
Data discovery at Uber: The continued success of Databook - How Uber's in-house platform powers discovery, exploration, and knowledge at scale.
What is data liquidity? - Defining the concept of data liquidity.
Linked data for the enterprise: Focus on Bayer's corporate asset register - An overview of COLID, the data asset management platform built using semantic technologies.
Document understanding: Modern techniques and real-world applications - How document understanding helps bring order to unstructured data.
One schema, one API: Inside the world of Data Commons - Data Commons brings thousands of public datasets together into one data graph to give data analysts and researchers a jump-start on analysing open data.
What does a knowledge engineer do? - An overview of knowledge engineering and the core competencies and responsibilities of a knowledge engineer.
Semantic Web 23
RDF graphs - Intro to RDF graph visualization + demo.
RDF* and the onset of Linked Data* and the Semantic Web* - The evolution of RDF and the related technologies fuelled by the need to make statements about statements.
OWL reasoning - Using OWL reasoning to infer new knowledge.
The building blocks of OWL - What makes up OWL ontologies and how do they support logical inference?
OWL Functional Syntax Parse Tree Viewer - View the parse tree of OWL Functional Syntax.
OWL Functional Syntax Editor - A simple online editor for the OWL Functional Syntax (OWL Functional-Style Syntax).
SPARQL Playground (RDF Playground) - Experiment with running SPARQL queries against RDF data.
SPARQL Client - Query SPARQL endpoints online.
Why federation is a game-changing feature of SPARQL - SPARQL federation is an incredibly useful feature for querying distributed RDF graphs.
Introduction to SPARQL - SPARQL is a query language for graph data. The graph model of thinking fits well a lot of use cases.
SPARQL Parse Tree Viewer - Visualize the parse tree of SPARQL queries.
SPARQL Editor - A simple online editor for SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) queries.
Turtle 3
Turtle Editor - Edit Turtle documents online.
Turtle Inspector - Inspect the RDF content of Turtle files.
Turtle Parse Tree Viewer - Visualize the parse tree of Turtle syntax.
Wikidata 2
How to query Wikidata using SPARQL in JavaScript - A guide to getting data from Wikidata using SPARQL in JavaScript.
Wikidata's ontology - Inspecting the ontology of Wikidata.
SHACL Validator - Validate RDF data against SHACL shapes.
Semantic Web Browser - Look up entities on the Semantic Web.
Let's explore the Nobel Prize dataset - An overview of the official Nobel Prize Linked Data dataset with some example SPARQL queries.
Data exploration on linked COVID-19 datasets - An overview of the available RDF datasets and discovery tools for COVID-19.
Creating an Amazon Neptune database using AWS CDK v2 - Provisioning a graph database cluster in AWS using TypeScript.
Semantic Web Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for Semantic Web nerds.
Quantum computing 12
Bloch Sphere - Visualize qubits on a Bloch sphere.
Quantum Random Number Generator - Generate random numbers using quantum computing.
Quantum Gates Quiz - Test your knowledge of quantum logic gates.
The Hadamard gate - The definition of the Hadamard gate and some of its properties.
Dirac notation for quantum states - How to read the bra–ket notation?
Say "Hello, World!" with Q# - Creating a simple Q# console application.
On the nature of the wave function - The wave function is an abstract mathematical concept and cannot be "measured" directly. So what is it then?
Q# Editor - Edit Q# files online.
Awesome quantum computing - A curated list of awesome resources on quantum computing.
OpenQASM Editor - A simple online editor for OpenQASM (Open Quantum Assembly Language).
Quantum Computing Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle about quantum computing.
Quantum computing pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for quantum computing terms.
Games 7
Snake - Play Snake on your phone or computer.
Words Game - An online words game à la Wordle.
Crossword Generator - Create crossword layouts automatically from a list of words.
Chess 4
Awesome chess - Awesome links and resources on chess and chess programming.
FEN to PGN - Convert FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) to PGN (Portable Game Notation) for chess games.
PGN to FEN - Convert PGN (Portable Game Notation) to FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) for chess games.
List of chess pieces - The list of chess pieces with images.
Math and physics 17
Math Editor - A WYSIWYG editor for math formulas.
Implicit functions, differentials, and their geometric interpretation - How to interpret equations with differentials?
Platonic Solids - Explore Platonic solids in 3D.
Statistics Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for statistics terms.
Particle Physics Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for particle physics terms.
Particle physics pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for particle physics terms.
Mathematicians pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for the names of mathematicians.
Computer scientists pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for the names of computer scientists.
Cryptographers pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for the names of cryptographer.
Mathematics pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for mathematics terms.
Electronic components pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of electronic components.
Big Mathematical Symbols - Explore the aesthetics and fine details of symbols drawn from different branches of mathematics.
Big Mathematical Formulas - A collection of large-format formulas showcasing the beauty of mathematics and mathematical typesetting.
Big Function Plots - A collection of 2D plots depicting mathematical functions ranging from simple polynomials to inverse trigonometric relationships.
Big Numerical Series - Explore the deep mathematical relationships and typographic beauty within numerical series.
Big Physical Constants - A collection of important physical quantities that marks their beauty and significance.
Big Circuit Symbols - An immersive collection of circuit symbols.
Software dev 132
Web APIs 10
Camera - Turn your browser into a camera.
Local Font Browser - Explore locally installed fonts.
Screen Recorder - Make a recording of your computer screen.
Barcode Reader - Detect barcodes and QR codes.
Battery Manager - Monitor the battery status in the browser.
Sound Recorder - Record audio online.
Audio Decoder - An online tool for decoding audio files.
Text to Speech - Turn text into speech in your browser.
Simple Text Editor - Edit text files in the browser.
File Manager - A file manager for the web.
Maps 3
MapTiler Planet Inspector - Explore the MapTiler Planet tileset and inspect the features by clicking on the labels.
MapTiler OpenMapTiles Inspector - Explore the OpenMapTiles tileset hosted by MapTiler and inspect the features by clicking on the labels.
Protomaps Basemap Inspector - Inspect the Protomaps Basemap data by clicking on the labels.
Internationalization and localization 2
BCP 47 Parser - Parse, inspect, and debug IETF (BCP 47) language tags online.
Internationalized top-level domains - The full list of top-level domains that use the internationalized domain name system.
CSS field-sizing demo - A demo of the field-sizing CSS property.
Diagrams 4
PlantUML Editor - Create PlantUML diagrams online.
Mermaid Editor - Edit and compile Mermaid diagrams.
Class Diagram Maker - Create class diagrams online.
Graphviz DOT Editor - Create and edit Graphviz graphs using DOT.
GraphQL 8
GraphQL Validator - Validate GraphQL queries against a GraphQL schema.
GraphQL Schema Validator - Check the validity of GraphQL schemas.
GraphQL validation - A short explanation of GraphQL schemas, queries, and validation.
GraphQL Client - A GraphQL client that can be used to interact with a GraphQL server.
GraphQL Formatter - Beautify GraphQL code.
GraphQL AST Viewer - Visualize the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a GraphQL document.
GraphQL Parse Tree Viewer - Visualize the parse tree of a GraphQL document.
Awesome GraphQL - A curated list of awesome resources on GraphQL.
Email 6
Email Parser - Parse, inspect, and debug emails online.
Receiving email with Node.js - How to receive email in Node.js?
MAIL FROM and RCPT TO vs. the To and From headers - The difference between the email envelope and message headers when it comes to senders and recipients.
The structure and rendering of multipart emails - How do multipart emails work?
cid URLs for email developers - What are cid URLs and how are they interpreted by email clients?
MJML Editor - A simple online editor for MJML (Mailjet Markup Language).
Markdown 2
Markdown Editor - Edit Markdown files in the browser.
How to embed a YouTube video into Markdown? - Ways to insert a YouTube player into a Markdown document.
WASM WAT Editor - A simple editor for the WebAssembly Text Format (WAT).
WASM ports - A list of software compiled to/ported to WebAssembly/JavaScript.
pdf2svg WASM - My WASM port of pdf2svg.
Awesome WebAssembly - A curated list of awesome resources on WebAssembly (WASM).
Node.js 2
Safely creating new directories using the Node.js File System API - How to safely create directories using the native file system module in Node.js?
Walking a directory in Node.js - How to list all files recursively within a directory tree in Node.js?
npm 2
npm exec: A new way to run commands from npm packages - npm v7 has introduced the new npm exec command which, like npx, can be used to run npm scripts "on the fly".
Loading npm dependencies from multiple registries - How to add npm dependencies from multiple package registries?
XML Editor - Edit XML files online.
XML Formatter - Beautify XML documents.
XML Schema Validator - Validate XML against XML Schema (XSD).
data URIs 3
Data URI Generator - Generate data URLs in the browser.
What are data URLs? - The ins and outs of data URLs.
Generating data URLs in JavaScript - How to generate data URLs in JavaScript?
Keyboards 4
XKB Keymap Editor - An online editor for XKB keymap files with a live preview.
Mac Keylayout Testing Tool - View, edit, and debug .keylayout files (XML keyboard layout definitions) for macOS.
ZMK Keymap Editor - An online editor for ZMK .keymap files.
KMN Editor - An online editor for Keyman keyboard source files (Keyman keyboard language files, .kmn files).
Cloud 6
Here's the full list of AWS services - Browse the full list of AWS services.
Amazon EC2 Mac instances: Provisioning macOS compute environments in the AWS cloud - Powered by Apple Mac minis, EC2 Mac instances allow developers to provision macOS-based environments in the cloud and benefit from the pay-as-you-go pricing model.
AWS Services Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle to test your knowledge of AWS services.
Azure 2
Microsoft Azure cloud services: The full list - The full list of Azure cloud services.
Bicep Editor - A simple online editor for the Bicep language.
Terraform 1
Terraform Editor - A simple online editor for Terraform files.
Databases 7
SQL Playground - Experiment with SQL in the browser.
SQL Formatter - Beautify SQL code.
Neo4j 2
Running Neo4j in Docker with the Graph Data Science library - How to run the official Neo4j Docker image and enable the Graph Data Science library?
Cypher 1
Cypher Editor - A simple online editor for the Cypher query language.
Database for Event Sourcing - A storage for event-sourced systems.
Prisma 1
Prisma Schema Editor - A simple online editor for Prisma schema files.
InterSystems 1
ObjectScript Editor - A simple online editor for the InterSystems ObjectScript code.
Blockchains 8
Solidity 3
Solidity Editor - An online editor for Solidity code.
Solidity Compiler - Compile Solidity code to EVM bytecode online.
Solidity Formatter - Beautify Solidity code.
Vyper 2
Vyper Editor - An online editor for Vyper code.
Vyper Compiler - Compile Vyper code to EVM bytecode online.
Yul 1
Yul Editor - An online editor for Yul code.
Fe 1
Fe Editor - An online editor for Fe code.
Noir 1
Noir Editor - A simple online editor for the Noir language.
3D graphics 6
Three.js 2
Three.js SVGRenderer - A simple Three.js SVGRenderer example.
Three.js conditional lines - Rendering conditional lines in Three.js.
WGSL Editor - An online editor for the WebGPU Shading Language (WGSL).
HLSL Editor - A simple online editor for HLSL (High-Level Shading Language).
GLSL Editor - A simple online editor for GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language).
MAXScript Editor - A simple online editor for MAXScript, the scripting language of 3ds Max.
Vector graphics 2
Image Tracing Tool - Convert raster (bitmap) images to vector graphics online.
Vector Graphics Editor - An online vector graphics editor (WIP).
Programming languages 20
TypeScript 2
TypeScript Validator - Validate JSON against TypeScript types and interfaces.
Declaring custom JSX/HTML attributes in TypeScript - How to specify non-standard JSX/HTML attributes in TypeScript?
Python 2
Python Minifier - An online tool for minifying Python code.
Python Editor - A simple online editor for the Python programming language.
Erlang 2
Erlang/OTP WASM (Erlang in the browser) - Execute Erlang code in the browser.
Erlang Editor - A simple online editor for the Erlang programming language.
COBOL Editor - Edit COBOL code online.
Fortran 1
Fortran Editor - Edit Fortran code online.
Lua 1
Lua Editor - Edit Lua scripts online.
Groovy 1
Groovy Editor - Edit Apache Groovy scripts online.
ABAP Editor - An online editor for ABAP code.
CodeQL 1
CodeQL Editor - An online editor for CodeQL files.
Swift 1
Swift Editor - A simple online editor for the Swift programming language.
Kotlin 1
Kotlin Editor - A simple online editor for the Kotlin programming language.
Rust 1
Rust Editor - A simple online editor for the Rust programming language.
PowerShell 1
PowerShell Editor - A simple online editor for PowerShell scripts.
Zig 1
Zig Editor - A simple online editor for the Zig programming language.
Prolog 1
Prolog Editor - A simple online editor for the Prolog language.
Mojo 1
Mojo Editor - A simple online editor for the Mojo programming language.
OCaml 1
OCaml Editor - A simple online editor for the OCaml programming language.
Docker 2
The right way to install Docker on a Mac - Installing Docker Desktop for Mac using the Homebrew package manager.
Dockerfile Editor - A simple online editor for Dockerfiles.
Base64 Encoder and Decoder - Encode into and decode from Base64 online.
Diff Checker - Diff two files.
RDAP Client - Query RDAP data quickly and easily.
Punycode Converter - Punycode-encode and decode IDNs.
The list of schema registries - An overview of the technologies used to discover and manage event or message schemas.
Schematron Validator - Validate XML against Schematron schemas.
JSON Validator - Validate JSON against JSON Schema.
MediaWiki Lua Runner - Run Lua scripts on MediaWiki sites.
PLIST to JSON Converter - Convert PLIST files to JSON.
TextMate Grammar Testing Tool - Test TextMate grammars.
Schemas are everywhere - An overview of common schema types and their usage.
DAX Formatter - Beautify DAX code.
JSGF Editor - Edit speech recognition grammars online.
DALL·E Client - Create images from text using OpenAI's DALL·E.
LookML Editor - Edit LookML code online.
YAML to JSON - Convert YAML to JSON online.
CSON to JSON - Convert CSON to JSON online.
Thrift IDL Editor - An online editor for Apache Thrift IDL (Interface Definition Language) files.
QML Editor - A simple editor for QML (Qt Modeling Language) files.
Apache Conf Editor - A simple online editor for Apache configuration files (.conf, .htaccess, .htgroups, .htpasswd files).
VHDL Editor - A simple online editor for VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language).
ANTLR Grammar Editor - A simple online editor for ANTLR grammars.
gnuplot Editor - A simple online editor for gnuplot scripts.
SAS Editor - A simple online editor for the SAS statistical analysis language.
DRL Editor - A simple online editor for the Drools Rule Language (DRL).
CMake Editor - A simple online editor for CMake scripts.
Makefile Editor - A simple online editor for makefiles.
Machine learning 6
Face Detector - A demo of a face detection service.
SVMs in practice - A primer on support vector machines (SVMs) and their applications.
TensorFlow.js and linear regression - Building and training simple linear regression models in JavaScript using TensorFlow.js.
seq2seq Trainer - Train sequence-to-sequence models online.
A beginner's guide to graph embeddings - Understanding what graph embeddings are and why they are important for graph analytics.
A technical introduction to OpenAI's GPT-3 language model - An overview of the groundbreaking GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI.
Emoji 9
Emoji Camera - Apply an emoji filter to your video.
Emoji Browser - Browse and search emoji by name.
Emoji API - An API for emoji.
Where to find the list of all emojis? - Finding the most comprehensive list of emoji characters.
Emoji SVG sources - SVG sources of Google and Twitter emojis.
Emoji flags - A list of all country flags as emoji.
Emoji fonts - Compare and test different emoji fonts.
Emoji on GitHub - The full list of emoji shortcodes that can be used on GitHub.
Emoji of the Day - New emoji every day to brighten your day.
Geek 7
Pixel Art Editor - Edit pixel art online.
ASCII Camera - Apply the image-to-ASCII filter to your video.
ASCII Art and Easter Egg Archive - Browse ASCII art and Easter eggs.
Awesome ASCII - A collection of awesome ASCII art and resources.
Google ÜberProxy's Easter egg - Fun Easter egg on Google's Access Proxy page.
Retro/Windows aesthetics on the web - A collection of websites with a retro/Windows-style UI.
Image to ASCII - Convert an image to ASCII art online.
Medicine 15
Medical calculators 10
ASCVD Risk Estimator - Calculate the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Creatinine Clearance Calculator - Calculate creatinine clearance using the Cockcroft–Gault equation.
GFR Calculator - Calculate glomerular filtration rate using the CKD-EPI equation.
Opioid Dose Calculator - Calculate morphine milligram equivalents (MME) online.
mTOQ-4 - Complete the Migraine Treatment Optimization Questionnaire (mTOQ-4) to assess the effectiveness of migraine treatment.
BMI Calculator - Calculate the body mass index (BMI) online.
Mean Arterial Pressure Calculator - Calculate the mean arterial pressure (MAP) from systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
IMPEDE VTE Score Calculator - Calculate the risk prediction score for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in multiple myeloma.
I-SEE Calculator - Calculate the Index of Severity for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (I-SEE).
CHA₂DS₂-VASc Score Calculator - Calculate the CHA₂DS₂-VASc score for stroke risk.
Bilirubin Chart - A bilirubin chart for newborns.
Pharmacology 2
Drugs and medications pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for drugs and medications.
Pharmaceutical companies pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of pharmaceutical companies.
Human diseases pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for human diseases.
Human anatomy pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for anatomical terms related to the human body and its parts.
Random 49
Egyptology 12
MdC Editor - An online editor for the Manuel de Codage transliteration system.
MdC to Unicode - Convert Manuel de Codage to Unicode online and preview the result.
List of Egyptian hieroglyphs - The full set of Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Color hieroglyphs - The chromatic versions of Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Hieroglyphs Quiz - Test your knowledge of Egyptian hieroglyphs with this quiz.
Hieroglyphic fonts - A list of hieroglyphic fonts for use in Egyptology and related fields.
Aegyptus's Easter eggs - Fun hieroglyphic Easter eggs in the Aegyptus font.
LUT Keyboard (Leiden Unified Transliteration/Transcription Keyboard) - Type hieroglyphic texts in LUT (Leiden Unified Transliteration/Transcription) online.
LUT Quiz (Leiden Unified Transliteration/Transcription Quiz) - Test your knowledge of the Leiden Unified Transliteration/Transcription.
Hieroglyph of the Day - Discover a new Egyptian hieroglyph every day.
Egyptology Crossword - A daily crossword puzzle for Egyptological terms.
Big Egyptian Hieroglyphs - A collection of large-format Egyptian hieroglyphs that reveals the fine details of the ancient writing system.
Geography 9
List of country flags - A list of country flags with SVG images and aspect ratios (proportions).
Flags Quiz - Test your knowledge of flags from around the world.
Capital Cities Quiz - Test your knowledge of the world's capital cities with this quiz.
Flag of the Day - Flags from around the world.
Capital Cities Crossword - Solve this daily crossword puzzle by filling in the capital cities of countries.
Demonyms pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for demonyms.
Oceans and seas pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for the names of oceans and seas.
Geologic time units pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for geologic time units.
New Zealand place names pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for New Zealand place names.
Utilities 5
Compass - An online compass built using the Device Orientation API.
Eyedropper - Get the color of a pixel on the screen.
Clock - An online analog clock.
Calendar - A simple online calendar.
Weather - A web-based weather app.
LDraw Viewer - A simple LDraw file viewer.
LDraw Editor - Edit LDraw text files online.
Awesome personal websites - A list of cool personal websites and bio pages that I've found on the web.
An introduction to New Zealand's payments system - The systems, processes, and institutions that make up New Zealand's payments system.
NPV Calculator - Calculate net present value (NPV) of a series of cash flows.
Awesome website designs - A list of websites with cool designs that I've found on the web.
PDF to SVG Converter - Convert PDF files to SVGs.
EPS to PDF Converter - Convert EPS files to PDFs.
VIN Decoder - A tool for decoding Vehicle Identification Numbers.
ZPL Editor - Edit ZPL (Zebra Programming Language) documents online.
Znamenny Quiz - Test your knowledge of Znamenny signs.
Babylonian Cuneiform Numerals Converter - Convert numbers to Babylonian cuneiform numerals.
Gear Ratio Calculator - A tool for calculating gear ratios.
Invoice Generator - Generate invoices online and save them as PDFs or print.
WebVTT Editor - A simple online editor for WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks) files.
Philosophy pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for philosophy terms and names.
American football players pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of American football players.
Basketball players pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of basketball players.
Tennis players pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of tennis players.
Comedians pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of comedians.
Composers pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide to the names of composers.
U.S. cities pronunciation guide - A pronunciation guide for the names of cities in the United States.
Big Cuneiform Signs - Explore the unique forms of cuneiform, one of the earliest known writing systems.

Made by Anton Vasetenkov.

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