Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
Albania | Albani |
Algeria | Aljeri |
American Samoa | 아메리칸사모아 |
Andorra | Andorra |
Angola | Angola |
Anguilla | Angwilla |
Antarctica | Antarktika |
Antigua and Barbuda | Antiga ha Barbuda |
Argentina | Arghantina |
Armenia | Armeni |
Aruba | Aruba |
Australia | Ostrali |
Austria | Estrych |
Azerbaijan | Azerbayjan |
Bahamas | An Bahamas |
Bahrain | Bahreyn |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
Barbados | Barbados |
Belarus | Belarussi |
Belgium | Pow Belg |
Belize | Belisa |
Benin | Benin |
Bermuda | Bermuda |
Bhutan | Bhoutan |
Bolivia | Bolivi |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosni–Hercegovina |
Botswana | Botswana |
Brazil | Brasil |
British Virgin Islands | Enesow Predenek an Werghes |
Brunei | Bruney |
Bulgaria | Bulgari |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | Burundi |
Cambodia | Kamboji |
Cameroon | Kameroun |
Canada | Kanada |
Cape Verde | Repoblek Cabo Verde |
Central African Republic | Centrafrika |
Chad | Chad |
Chile | Chile |
China | China |
Christmas Island | Ynys Nadelik |
Colombia | Kolombi |
Comoros | Komorys |
Congo-Brazzaville | Repoblek Kongo |
Cook Islands | Ynysow Cook |
Costa Rica | Kosta Rika |
Côte d'Ivoire | Côte d'Ivoire |
Croatia | Kroati |
Cuba | Kuba |
Cyprus | Kobros |
Czechia | Pow Chek |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Repoblek Werinel Kongo |
Denmark | Danmark |
Djibouti | Jibouti |
Dominica | Dominika |
Dominican Republic | Repoblek Dhominikanek |
East Timor | Timor Est |
Ecuador | Pow Ekwadorel |
Egypt | Ejyp |
El Salvador | El Salvador |
Equatorial Guinea | Gyni Ekwadoriel |
Eritrea | Eritrea |
Estonia | Estoni |
Eswatini | Pow Swati |
Ethiopia | Ethiopi |
Falkland Islands | Enesow Falkland |
Faroe Islands | Ynysow Faroe |
Federated States of Micronesia | Mikronesi |
Fiji | Fiji |
Finland | Pow Finn |
France | Pow Frynk |
French Polynesia | Polynesi Frynkek |
French Southern and Antarctic Lands | Tiryow Deghow hag Antarktik Frynkek |
Gabon | Gabon |
Georgia | Pow Grouzi |
Germany | Almayn |
Ghana | Ghana |
Gibraltar | Jibraltar |
Greece | Pow Grek |
Greenland | Greunland |
Grenada | Gwenad |
Guatemala | Gwatemala |
Guernsey | Gwernenys |
Guinea | Gyni |
Guinea-Bissau | Gyni-Bissaw |
Guyana | Gwayana |
Haiti | Hayti |
Honduras | Hondouras |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
Hungary | Hungari |
Iceland | Island |
India | Eynda |
Indonesia | Indonesi |
Iran | Iran |
Iraq | Irak |
Ireland | Repoblek Iwerdhon |
Isle of Man | Ynys Manow |
Israel | Ysrael |
Italy | Itali |
Jamaica | Jameka |
Japan | Nihon |
Jersey | Jersenys |
Jordan | Jordan |
Kazakhstan | Pow Kazagh |
Kenya | Kenya |
Kiribati | Kiribass |
Kosovo | Kosova |
Kuwait | Koweyt |
Kyrgyzstan | Pow Kyrgys |
Laos | Pow Lao |
Latvia | Latvi |
Lebanon | Lebnon |
Lesotho | Lesotho |
Liberia | Liberi |
Libya | Libi |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | Lithouani |
Luxembourg | Lushaborg |
Macau | Makaw |
Madagascar | Madagaskar |
Malawi | Malawi |
Malaysia | Malaysi |
Maldives | Maldivys |
Mali | Mali |
Malta | Malta |
Marshall Islands | Enesow Marshall |
Martinique | Martinik |
Mauritania | Moritani |
Mauritius | Ynys Morrys |
Mayotte | Mayot |
Mexico | Meksiko |
Moldova | Moldova |
Monaco | Monako |
Mongolia | Mongoli |
Montenegro | Montenegro |
Montserrat | Montserrat |
Morocco | Marokk |
Mozambique | Mosambik |
Myanmar | Byrmani |
Namibia | Namibi |
Nauru | Nawru |
Nepal | Nepal |
Netherlands | Iseldiryow |
New Caledonia | Kelesoni Nowydh |
New Zealand | Mordir Nowydh |
Nicaragua | Nikaragwa |
Niger | Pow Nijer |
Nigeria | Nijeri |
Niue | Niue |
Norfolk Island | Enys Norfolk |
North Korea | Korea Gledh |
North Macedonia | Repoblek Makedoni |
Northern Mariana Islands | Enesow Marianas Kledh |
Norway | Norgagh |
Oman | Oman |
Pakistan | Pakistan |
Palau | Palaw |
Panama | Panama |
Papua New Guinea | Papwa Gyni Nowydh |
Paraguay | Paragway |
Peru | Perou |
Philippines | Filipinys |
Pitcairn Islands | Enesow Pitcairn |
Poland | Poloni |
Portugal | Portyngal |
Qatar | Katar |
Réunion | Réunion |
Romania | Roumani |
Russia | Russi |
Rwanda | Rwanda |
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | Sen Helena |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Sen Kytto ha Nevis |
Saint Lucia | Sen Lusia |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Sen Vinsens ha Grenadinys |
Samoa | Samoa |
San Marino | Sen Marino |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Sen Tommas ha Pryns |
Saudi Arabia | Arabi Saoudek |
Senegal | Senegal |
Serbia | Serbi |
Seychelles | Seychellys |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leon |
Singapore | Singapour |
Slovakia | Slovaki |
Slovenia | Sloveni |
Solomon Islands | Ynysow Salamon |
Somalia | Somali |
South Africa | Afrika Dhyhow |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | Jeorji Dheghow hag Enesow Sandwich Deghow |
South Korea | Korea Dhyhow |
South Sudan | Soudan Dhyghow |
Spain | Spayn |
Sri Lanka | Shri Lanka |
Sudan | Soudan |
Suriname | Surinam |
Sweden | Swedherwyk |
Switzerland | Swistir |
Syria | Syri |
Taiwan | Taywan |
Tajikistan | Pow Tajik |
Tanzania | Tanzania |
Thailand | Pow Tay |
The Gambia | Gambi |
Togo | Togo |
Tokelau | Tokelaw |
Tonga | Tonga |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinses ha Tobago |
Tunisia | Tunisi |
Turkey | Turki |
Turkmenistan | Pow Turkmen |
Turks and Caicos Islands | Turks ha Kaykos |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
Uganda | Ouganda |
Ukraine | Ukrayn |
United Arab Emirates | Pennternasedh Unys Arabek |
United Kingdom | Ruvaneth Unys |
United States | Statys Unys Amerika |
Uruguay | Urugway |
Uzbekistan | Pow Ousbek |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
Vatican City | Cita Vatikan |
Venezuela | Veneswela |
Vietnam | Vietnam |
Wallis and Futuna | Wallis ha Futuna |
Western Sahara | Sahara West |
Yemen | Yemen |
Zambia | Zambi |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |